I Am Not Ashamed – by Lindsay Kay

Lindsay and baby

Dear Daughter,

Social Anxiety–that’s what the therapist called it as I sat across from her on the mahogany leather couch. Her office was devised to look like a living room, to make me feel at home, but all I could think was, “I wouldn’t be here if I was normal.” The list of my oddities lay like the stacks of magazines, recklessly piled for bored fingers to flip through at the doctor’s office. “No friends, no one calls, head down, ignores people, anxiety attacks…”

At 14 I couldn’t talk to boys. I spent hours in the mirror painting my face with makeup and changing to find the perfect outfit that told the story of a pretty and desirable girl, because all I wanted was for them to like me, but I couldn’t find words to speak to them. Instead, they thrust words back at me as I walked through the halls like “bitch” and “snob.”

At 16 I sat on the toilet with my feet up on the stall door to eat my lunch because I was too embarrassed to eat in front of people. I bounced from cheerleading to school plays, and leadership. I went through my days doing the things that would construct a shell of an outgoing, well rounded girl in a charade to convince people I was “normal” and “acceptable,” but inside, I felt hollow.

At 21 I let others tell me who I was in exchange for their approval and validation. I forced myself to go to parties, to wear the high heels and short skirts the other sorority girls wore and drink the tasteless foam beer that numbed my pain and slowed my racing thoughts. I would return to my apartment and cry myself to sleep.

I can’t tell you when I started being the person that no longer had to pretend  but could just be. Change isn’t something that happens overnight, but it happens in sunrises and walks on the beach, in hard lessons, and cups of coffee shared over real conversation.I changed through the ache of letting people be careless with my heart. I changed through the tears of joy I shed when I married your daddy and in the streaks of tears I could trace down his face as he watched you come into the world. But most of all I changed through the patience, and love of the people that wouldn’t let go of my hand, and never lost sight of my heart.

I still get caught in the riptides of others’ approval. As I get swept away, time and time again, God restores me back to the solid footing of His foundation. God is still molding me and teaching me lessons. When I’m lonely and vulnerable, I still find myself hungering for a false fulfillment in the opinion of others. But rather than getting caught in the current of others opinions and expectations, God reminds to anchor myself to Him. My identity as His child isn’t something that can be washed away with a dirty look or an unkind word,  but rests securely in His hands.

I don’t need to hide the scars from my past. I’m not afraid to tell my stories, even the shameful ones, because I’ve learned that my words aren’t something to be ashamed of. As I get older and my past becomes my history, I’ve learned that God weaves my stories, and my words into a beautiful song worth singing–even if I can’t carry a tune.

I want to tell that shy, anxiety ridden girl to lift her chin, to smile, to speak the words on her heart. I want to hug her close and kiss the top of her head, to wipe the layers of makeup off her face, and to tell her she only needs to live for an audience of One. But my child, that little girl is now your mother, head high, heart full, telling you.

Lindsay Family

Lindsay is one of our newest community mom writers.

Hi there!

I am so excited to join this community of women!

I am mom to a spunky 2 year old girl and another on the way in September. My husband is my ultimate partner in life and is also a pastor. He’s quirky, adventurous, and makes me laugh every day.

I love my daschund Ella, rainstorms, and chocolate chip cookies. I have an amazing and supportive, big, meddlesome, crazy family. My mom, three sisters and I exchange texts on a thread throughout our day with encouragements, jokes, and silly pictures.

I feel most at home sitting indian style on the couch with my laptop (I’m a Mac girl) and a cup of coffee on a coaster beside me (I’m a coaster girl) banging away at my keyboard.

As a freelance beauty writer and blogger, I’d always kept my personal writing between the pages of my prayer journal.

Since becoming a stay at home mom last year, God began calling me to begin sharing my stories and experiences, and most of all, my heart for Him. You can check out my corner of the world at my blog—and I would love to connect with you on Facebook via the links below.

God has blessed me abundantly; He is always surprising me with new ways that He reveals HIS LOVE and HIS GRACE in my life and in the lives around me. I hope that the Holy Spirit will use my words to touch your heart, or whisper in your ear a challenge or encouragement that draws you closer to HIM.

Connect With Lindsay Kay

Facebook: www.facebook.com/lindsayhauschphoto

God Calm My Anxious Heart Blog Series Will Be Starting In September!!!!
God Calm My Anxious Heart

7 thoughts on “I Am Not Ashamed – by Lindsay Kay

  1. I remember that little shy girl who lived around the corner from me. You make me so proud reading your story. You are a wonderful, caring, loving and talented young woman. You come from the best stock, Ron and Nancy. There is so much love surrounding you, supporting you, nurturing you. Be proud my young friend. You have lived your life with maturity, grace and class! I love all the “Sharpies” and their very large and loving extended families. L’Chaim, to life…….

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Middle school and high school was rough, especially because we grew up in a small environment, I had a hard time as well trying to fit in with the cool crowd. My self esteem hit an all time low that I wanted something new and switched schools my senior year. It change when I joined a youth group and accepted God. The rest since then was history. But yeah, if only we can go back and tell ourselves that we don’t need the approval of others or trying so hard to fit in and be a person your not. We thought we knew everything and the advice of the adults slipped from one ear to the next. Now I understand. 🙂 Rock on friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Right Chris? But I guess it’s all part of the journey! I’m so glad to see you’re beautiful family and that you are doing so well. Your photography is amazing. –and yes it’s amazing how finding the right people can turn around our entire perspective. Thank you for your support!

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