Where Is God When It Hurts? By Community Moms

    Today our Community Moms come together and wrap their loving words around a Mom who is desperately seeking answers.   Dear Community Moms, I know there is a God.  But where is He when it hurts?  My life is broken and I’m shaking.  Loved ones around me don’t understand and they really don’t…

Fridays With Beth Biggers

Sometimes, in life, there comes a point where you are forced to look up from your cheerio smattered floor, your bathroom that smells like six chickens live in it (in all fairness, six chickens DO live in my bathroom,) and your hair that has not been washed in roughly a week.  Maybe you do a…

When A Mom’s Son Takes His Life…

Karisa’s son is no longer here with us today and his birthday is on Mother’s Day. At this very moment her heart is aching and I want to honor her during this really difficult time by sharing her story. She will never stop missing Jonathan.  This will be her first Mother’s Day without him.  Yet in…

It’s A God Thing To Talk About Depression

Why talk about depression? Because it’s real and people who are depressed need to know that they are not alone. In categories on my home page under depression, you will find several stories about this very topic.  And through these stories you will discover how real our God is and that He will never leave us nor…