Mom To Mom Heartfelt Video by Lisa Brown

Hi Moms, My first blog video.  A message from my heart to your heart.  You matter and you have what it takes.  You are doing better then you think are. If you struggle with insecurity I recommend this amazing book that I am going through right now by Carey Scott   – Untangled I would like to…

Self- Esteem and Food Related Series

Running on Empty by Heather Creekmore I read the message and a few seconds later, without even thinking, I stood in front of the pantry searching for anything that contains a little chocolate. Today a kid’s granola bar will have to suffice. Something. Must. Stop. The. Stress. But, it doesn’t. And, I’m not satisfied. Twenty…

Your Value Is Infinite

                                          Post By Tanya My Co-Host From I have noticed that there are some people who measure the worth of a person based on what they can do, what they have or who they are. I remember growing up being ashamed of people knowing where I lived because I was poor and lived in…

IDENTITY – Fridays With Beth Biggers

Identity by Beth Biggers It was a brisk fall day, a few years ago. My youth pastor and dear friend of our family had asked me to share my testimony with our group of junior high and high school girls. The theme of that week’s Fall Retreat had been “Identity.” I was supposed to share…

You Say I’m Good Enough and I Say I Need You To Love Me

. We are our worst critics.                                      Series starting June 1st 2015    “Crap, I did it again.” “I should have done it.” “I shouldn’t have.” “I never do anything right.” “I’m a mess.” “Let him do it. I will only screw it up.” “I’m a mistake and my life is a mistake.” “I will never be good…

“Building Up My Boys”

Desiree Taylor It seems like yesterday this picture was taken. These boys are now fifteen and twenty years old. I used to hate it when the older moms would say, “It goes by so fast.” I have to confess I didn’t believe that then when every day seemed to last forever. I have found this…