Do you feel like you’re in a long dark tunnel with no end in sight? I know that feeling because I experienced it too! The teenage years can be a challenge for both parents and teens. In order to successfully navigate these years, parents need to make some significant shifts in the way…

Why Do Kids Do What They Do?

So God created man in his own image. Genesis 1: 27 So…why do kids act the way they do? It’s in their DNA. Think about it. We are all created in God’s image. There are 4 very good reasons why people do what they do. We are rational, emotional, relational, volitional, and spiritual. This creates a…

The Best Fifteen Minutes

The house is silent and all the kids are queit and busy.  They don’t seem to need moms full attention right now.   What should she do? Does she do chores or get online or make a phone calls?  These things are needed but do they fill her tired soul? Or does she take fifteen…