A Wish To Be A Christmas Tree


Kaylee’s Creation and thank God for led candle lights!!!!

The sound of jingle bells fills the air as snow comes floating down, and all living critters sense that Christmas is near. It’s the season for birds to nestle in the trees. Deer’s with tired feet make their bed under branches where the dry ground welcomes them.

Boys and girls joyfully walk through the winter wonderland of woods, looking for a Christmas tree to take home. With a saw in Dad’s hand, a tree come’s tumbling down for the celebration of Jesus’s birth. All the trees want to be picked for such a glorious occasion.

Standing is a tired old tree who thinks he hasn’t or will ever be used anything.   For years he has waited to be cut down and decorated for Christmas. He thinks that nobody notices him or needs him.

Some of you may have heard a similar story like this one in a children’s Christmas book.

A Wish To Be A Christmas Tree

It is one of my favorite stories. If you haven’t heard this story before, check out the following link. It is a great story for all ages.


I don’t want to ruin the end of the story by telling you too much. I will let you know, the tree needed some little critters to help him see that he indeed was valuable and his service to them was appreciated. Cute critters from the woods lavished love upon their much needed tree. Enjoy the story with your kids.

This story really got me to thinking today. Don’t we all want to be appreciated and used to do something big for our world? Don’t we all want to make a difference?

I know I do. When I write on my blog I want to bless others. My struggle is that I compare myself to writers who have a large following and platform. I want to be like them.

This lovely story reminds me that it really doesn’t matter if I have a thousand following me or just ten. What I do is all about giving to those who God brings my way.

I hope this story encourages you today. If you are waiting for God to use you, I suggest you stop waiting and look at what is right before you to do.   I’m sure God is using you.

What you are doing now may not be appreciated. It might not be glorious.   What you give today is valuable.   We all have to stop comparing our worth by what we see others doing.

Another thought for the day.

I want my two kids to feel like what they do does matter and that they have value. They need to feel appreciated.

My six year old son asked me today what we could give to our neighbor. A man we hardly know.

I asked, “How about cookies and a card?”

He joyfully responded, “Oh yes Momma.”

This is something my son can do. I can help him feel that his life has purpose by helping him serve.

My daughter asked to help set the table for dinner.   I gave her candles, Christmas decorations and a golden tray to do whatever she wanted. With a proud smile on her face she blessed all of us at dinner time with her beautiful display.

Its little things like this that help our children shine.

And it’s the unnoticed little things we do that makes Jesus shine through us.

6 thoughts on “A Wish To Be A Christmas Tree

    • I’m thinking about adding it to our Christmas book collection. It is fun to take out special books every year for the kids to look at and cherish for years.
      Thanks for coming by Liz!!!


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