You’re The Expert by Cristina, Homeschool Mom


“An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less.”

~ Nicholas M. Butler

Have you noticed everyone seems to just love giving you advice on how you should be living your life? From websites to magazine articles; people you randomly meet at the grocery store to neighbors down the street. Even other homeschooling families seem to have an opinion on how you could be improving or how you ought to be teaching your children. Just who’s an expert here?

When we open ourselves up to receiving information from any and every source, we open ourselves up to trouble. Even those who consider themselves ‘experts’ in a given field are not infallible, nor do they know the particulars of our lives. We need to be very careful about what we allow to influence us and whose advice we are seeking. Anyone who tells us they have all the answers to our problems should be avoided. Christ is the true expert; He is the answers to our struggles.

Seek wise council from like-minded Christians who will encourage you in your walk, marriage, parenting, and homeschooling. Listen to the wisdom the Lord has given them. Then, pray over it. The Lord may be doing a mighty work in them, but that doesn’t mean He necessarily wants to do the same work in you! What works for one might not work for another. Ask the Lord to help you sift through the never-ending stream of information coming into your home, making His paths known and clear.

Become an expert on your own family. Study your husband, learning what blesses him and ministers to his heart. Focus on your children, giving deep thought to how you can train and disciple them. Seek the Lord above all else, knowing He is the only expert you need.

I want to become an expert of my own life and family. I want to increase in wisdom to better meet my own family’s needs; to be a more loving wife; to be a patient mother; and the best homeschool mom I can be. Frankly, my plate is already full trying to be an expert on my own family, much less be an expert on how to minister to yours! The truth is, this side of heaven, an expert I will never be. But, until I finally go to be with the Lord, I have every intention of seeking that goal.

If you happen to stop over one day and read my blog, or I have the blessing of meeting you in person, I hope one thing always stands out; my heart is to encourage you not to follow me, but to follow Christ’s leading in your life, family, and home. Sure, I may have a word or two of advice on what’s worked for us and what hasn’t. I might even have little tidbits of wisdom to share regarding things the Lord has shown me – and tidbits is just what they are – but I will never claim to be an expert on your life. That job is the Lord’s.

May we all seek wisdom from the one true expert… Christ.

♥️Heart Check: Are we studying our husbands and children more than we’re spending time elsewhere? It might be time to take stock of our priorities!


You can visit me at my personal blog, A Homeschool Mom, where we talk about how God is working through our homeschooling and family adventures to teach us more about Himself.

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May the Lord be glorified in all we do!
Cristina, A Homeschool Mom

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