I’m Able Because God Is Capable.

God Calm My Anxious Heart Image

Meeting new people makes me anxious.  I’m not one of those people who will go up and introduce myself to you.  I’m definitely not the first one to raise my hand for a turn to talk in any group setting.

I look for the nearest exit when someone heads my way to talk to me.  I feel myself get hot, limp, eyes go blurry and my thoughts get fuzzy. I’ll check my phone or look for my keys if someone I don’t know gets too close.

I’m quiet around my group of friends.  I listen more than I talk.  I’m just too scared to say it.

I’m so happy that we have the option to text because when I talk on the phone I feel myself go numb.

God Calm My Anxious Heart.

I think that I’m stupid.

I take note of what others have and I don’t.

I’m not smart enough, pretty enough, organized enough, caring enough, independent enough and it goes on and on.

If I was kind to myself I would accept the fact that I’m work in progress and it’s o.k. to not have it all together.

On Facebook I am an administrator of a group that has gone quiet. I have been wanting to rename the group and give it a new description.  I figure that if I change it up and give it some fresh ideas, there will be more activity

I froze last night when I went to make the changes.  I can’t lead this group.  I don’t have enough skills to carry it through.

This is a group for Christian Moms who would like support with writing posts and creating their blog to be the best it can be.    My fresh ideas include question and answer days.  Questions about starting a blog, improving blog, promoting and getting more traffic.  Questions about how to write a better post and how to build better writing skills.     So let me stop right here.

I am just learning all of this myself.  I don’t know enough to help others.  I have some experience.  But who cares?  People want answers.

I wrote my friend from this group and told her that I was not going to follow through.

She encouraged me to sleep on it.  I went to bed feeling doubtful in my abilities.  I felt depressed.  I hate feeling this way.

Oh God Please Calm My Anxious Heart.

This morning when I woke up I felt the spirit of God reminding me that I am able because I serve a God who is capable.

He let me know that my weaknesses will become my greatest strengths.  He reassured me that I don’t have to be good at everything.  If I was good at everything, I wouldn’t need Him nor anybody else.

He gave me the name for our New Facebook Group.  Christian Mom Blog Support. God wants me to grow and He is giving me a whole new group of friends to grow with.  Friends who will support me.  Friends I can support even if I don’t have the answer.

Sweet friends I want to encourage you today to be o.k. with yourself as you are.  You have more gifts and talents then weaknesses.  Our weaknesses might become our greatest strengths.  But we have to be willing to ask for help.

And just for the record.  I’m kind of over worrying about what others think of my messy house.  And I don’t care as much anymore about others judging me.

And neither should you.    Stop hiding because I need you and you need me.

Thank you God for calming my anxious heart and leading me to rename our Facebook Group.

Please come visit us.  Share your blogs and posts.  Encourage other writers by sharing with us what you know.    It’s o.k. if you don’t know everything.  Because if you did – you wouldn’t need us.  We need you to need us.

Here is the link to Christina Mom Blog Support


Please visit us also at our Facebook group. God Calm My Anxious Heart


We are doing a series about worry, fear, and anxiety.  We would love to hear your story and write a post for our blog series.  Please email me if you would like to encourage and give hope to other Christians who are struggling in this.


linking up today with

Kelly Balarie’s #RaRalinkup,


18 thoughts on “I’m Able Because God Is Capable.

  1. My Lisa, I just wanted you to know, that I have had many of the same anxieties you are experiencing. It makes my heart sad to know that you are struggling. I went from not being able to drive or leave the house, to being able to testify in our state’s capital. I remember my need to sit in the very back of the room (closest to the exit) at those bird club meetings. And, then one day, I found my self leading the group and actually looking forward to it! Talk about a miracle! I think that the most important thing that I learned from my therapist was, to just move forward, push through the fear. Every time you confront your fears and move forward, you literally teach your brain and body to override the “anxiety mode”. If you “run” from what you fear, you teach your brain and body to amplify those fears, and thusly create more anxiety. This really has worked for me. Of course, when you are stressed or tired, this is harder to do. Now, if I could just get over myself and learn to drive on the big highways, I could just stick my tongue out at that fear through the rear view mirror! Please remember that you are not alone….. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are a loving and kind person. Your babies and your husband are so lucky to have you in their life. So am I, my sweet baby sister…..

    Sent from my mountain at Feathers In The Wind Ranch! ~Chirp…Chirp….Woof…Woof!~


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Heidi thanks for sharing a part of your story here and leaving such a kind comment. I’m learning that anxiety is a false alarm. We need to respond to it like a false alarm. We respond by going o.k. anxiety you made yourself known. But I have places to go and things to do. I’ll share more about this in one of my upcoming posts. My counselor this week told me the same thing yours did. Doesn’t it feel better to talk about and admit that it is something that we can and will overcome. I felt very hopeful after I left the counselors office this week. With new skills to deal with it, I can be glad that I will be quick to work through it. Love you big sister.


  2. Oh, Lisa, I think you are one of the bravest women I know. I can relate to some of this. I was the kid who wouldn’t make eye contact in the hall at school, the woman who gets back spasms when speaking in front of an unfamiliar group, the freak who can’t call and make a doctor’s appointment without shaking like a chihuahua.

    But the Lord is gracious and gently guides us along, using us as we are able and willing. I have now for several years led a women’s group at our homeschool co-op. I began teaching drama to jr.high and high schoolers. I blog, and share what little I know because there is always someone coming along the road behind who might need to hear my experience. I have even traveled to another group of homeschool ladies to try to offer encouragement for a couple of years now. Wow. None of it can I take credit for, and that is good…it’s all for Him, right?

    Keep using your gifts, my friend. Some of us more flaky types really need your organizational abilities to draw us together! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank You Friend for your words of encouragement. I receive. I think it’s so neat how God is using you to encourage others in group settings and I love that you give Him all the credit.


  3. (((Lisa))) Great big hugs for you.
    It’s hard stepping out there off the cliff and remembering that He’ll catch us. And not only catch us, but use us.
    Good for you for following through. 🙂 Your ideas seem like great ones.
    I’ll have to stop by next time I log into facebook.
    May the Lord bless your obedience. ❤
    ~ From your neighbor at the Intentional Tuesday Linkup today. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank You Brenda – I love big hugs. I do feel like I have stepped off of a cliff. I’m so excited. I feel passion and joy. As I’m gliding peacefully through the canyon – I discover I need to land and let God comfort me and give me more direction. God how do I carry out these ideas and keep life in balance? Thank you for your encouraging words.


  4. Two things came to mind in reading your words, which were beautiful and honest and transparent. 1) “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” 1 Thess. 5:24. God has called you to write, to support, to speak your truth (warts and all) into the lives of others. He goes before you and He will do the work. 2) “Don’t doubt in the dark what God has done in the light.” Elisabeth Elliot. I know firsthand the lies the enemy tries to whisper to undo the plans that God has written on our hearts. He wants to tangle us up in the anxiety and worry so that we are paralyzed from the Kingdom work God has given. Keep going, Lisa – just keep going! I can cheer you on because I’ve been cheered on when I felt these same things. You have an audience of One and you are bringing Him glory – don’t stop! #raralinkup

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tiffany I so needed your comment today. Your words of wisdom and truth minister deeply to my heart. I look forward to what God is doing through me and I don’t ever want to get ahead of Him. This is a critical time for me to stay focused on Him and wait for Him to show me His ways. Thank you for being here today.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tayrina – I’m glad that you have been encouraged today by my post. Rest in God and give Him all your worries and fears. He wants to care for you.


  5. Awesome post Lisa!
    Feelings so many of us identify with but thanks for the reminder that “I am able because God is capable!” Gets me focused in the right direction! Continue to grow and be blessed in this revelation!! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Alaverdiere thank you for coming by today. Knowing God is capable to take care of all things that concern me helps me stay focused. I love when revelations of God’s wisdom drives my motivation to join Him on grand adventures. Have a good day and I hope to see you here again.


  6. Hi Bethany -God will not give us something to do for His kingdom and then leave us to figure out how to do it on our own or in our own strength. Yes my friend – By His grace you are all that God created you to be. He will guide us and give us strength. We need to rest in Him and be still. Wait for Him before we move. He is faithful to show us what is next. I will pray for you Bethany that you will bloom as a writer and that you will continue to share His word with the brokenhearted. Thank you for being here today. Your comment blesses me.


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