Living Life Out Loud With Evonne Prince

san antonio - Evonne

As  summer draws to an end and the school year soon awaits, I sit back and reflect on how much my son has grown over the last 3 months.

It’s amazing how time flies and before you know it they’re so grown up! It’s seems like yesterday I was holding my “precious” little one for the first time and the joy that filled my heart was indescribable.

My son will be in the first grade this year and while shopping for supplies and clothes last weekend God reminded me we too are precious to him, as we are HIS children!

God looks at us just as we look at our children, so proud of how much we’ve grown up.  It’s not just in a 3 month break during summer things change, it’s a daily process we all go through. When we reflect back and really stop to look, only then do we recognize our growth.

After we made it home and I put my son to bed, my heart overflowed with joy as I reflected on our lives as a blended family. Tears streamed down my face because so often I’ve neglected to recognize, acknowledge and give thanks for the growth we’ve experienced as individuals and as a family.

The biggest area of growth in our lives has been as a family learning to forgive.

Being a blended family is a daily challenge, not only does it demand patience with each other but also with friends and extended family. to read more

Evonne Prince

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