Why Do Bad Things Happen To Those Who Love Jesus? By Wendy Munsell – Part 1 of 3





Dear Reader,


The question of why people suffer, especially those who love and serve Christ, can seem confusing at times. There are many scripture verses that encourage us to trust and believe in God for our healing, provision, and safety. We are commanded to pray in faith, believing that God hears and answers our payers.


Yet, time after time, the thing we fear comes upon us. So how can we make sense of the apparent disparity between what the Bible says and what we so often experience or see happening around us?


Our world in no way reflects the beautiful, peaceful, home that God created for His children to enjoy. In Genesis 1:31 we read:


And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (ESV)


But when sin entered the world everything changed… and not for the better. However, God made provision to reverse the horrible consequences that sin caused through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus. Through Christ we have the promise of redemption and restoration of relationship with our Heavenly Father.


But it is a mistake to believe that asking Jesus into our hearts means that we will no longer go through hard times. Jesus made it clear when He spoke to His disciples that they would suffer.


I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. (John 16:33 ESV)


Wait a minute! Peace… and tribulation? How can we have peace if we’re going to have tribulation too? Fortunately Jesus goes on to answer that question with the following:


But take heart; I have overcome the world. (John16:33 ESV Italics mine.)



So be encouraged! Let us do as Jesus tells us to do; take heart, because He has overcome everything the world has to throw at us… the good things and the bad.


Wendy 5-15


To connect with Wendy and visit her blog! www.blessedunravelling.com



4 thoughts on “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Those Who Love Jesus? By Wendy Munsell – Part 1 of 3

  1. Pingback: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Those Who Love Jesus? By Angel Buff – Part 2-3 | Me Too Moments For Moms

  2. Pingback: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Those Who Love Jesus? Dr. Michelle Bengtson – Part 3 0f 3 | Me Too Moments For Moms

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