Do You Say “Yes” to God in Every Step?


“Delight yourself in God.  Trust Him and take courage.  Be strong because He lives in you.”

These are words I choose to live by yet find challenging.

God spoke similar words to Joshua when He assigned him to take His people across the Jordan into the Promised Land. Joshua was concerned the Israelites wouldn’t listen.

I empathize with Joshua as God assigns me a task and I worry about the outcome.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

Is fear keeping you from serving God?  You my friend are not alone.

God is not going to give us an assignment and leave us alone to figure it out.  I know this is easy to say.  Not always easy to remember.    

As I sought God about starting a family, he encouraged me to press forward through my fear. I was in my 40’s and had never trusted God with something so personal.

“Will you be with me?  Is this even possible?”

As my Husband and I moved forward in our trust of God, we eventually realized the blessing of a healthy boy and girl.

What is God calling you to be courageous in?

Is it a new job, adoption, mission trip, writing a book, asking for forgiveness, calling yourself a Christian amongst unbelievers, serve in a ministry, counseling, or quit your job?

What is stopping you from moving forward?

What if Joshua let his worry paralyze him and he did not lead God’s people?

Is it possible for me to get pregnant in my forties?   We decided to put our faith and trust in God.

We had many tears and challenges before I got pregnant with my first child.

When we tried for our second child we had a miscarriage.

Devastated by our loss we continued to trust God and once again He showed us His faithfulness by giving us our daughter.

“I’m going to home school my kids,” I told friends and family.

I was questioned, frowned upon, criticized, and doubted by others.

My first years as a Mom were disheartening.  I could hear in my restless head, the silent thoughts of others judging me.

God reminded me to not be a people pleaser. He is pleased with me.

My relationship with God grows when I step out of logical thinking to take risks.

I change when I leave my safe place of comfort to walk in the unknown.

Hope replaces fear as faith draws me to take another step forward and discover what God has in store for me.

Fear keeps me from living freely for God.

God waits patiently for us to trust Him.

It takes courage to trust God and see past doubt, pain, loneliness, criticism, self-condemnation, and the impossible.

What step forward in God’s plan are you going to take today?

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6 thoughts on “Do You Say “Yes” to God in Every Step?

  1. “My relationship with God grows when I step out of logical thinking to take risks.” Wow, those words leaped out at me with a vengeance! I’ll have to ponder this a while. What risks is He asking me to take right now? I don’t know exactly. I do know, however, that my overly analytical and logical bent sometimes keeps me from hearing His voice. Thought-provoking post, Lisa. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved this line: “It takes courage to trust God and see past doubt, pain, loneliness, criticism, self-condemnation, and the impossible.” Yes, it sure does! So often I think of the courage to get through tough times, but you’ve hit home with the fact that our feelings about ourselves can keep us from trusting God as well. Thanks, Lisa. Great blog! Glad I found you through Intentional Tuesday today!


  3. How exciting – another friend from Intentional Tuesday. I just love that blog. It is so easy to get caught up in our feelings. I feel like I do life better when I remind myself that I’m the beloved of the King of Kings. And so are you. Thanks so much Linda for coming by today. I look forward to connecting.


    • You are so right – We do need to remember that – God considers me enough and He is pleased with me. So true!!! I’m glad you came by and shared this. God is speaking to my heart about this at this very moment. I needed to read your comment. God just spoke to me through you words. Than you for caring and connecting.

      Liked by 1 person

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